Metal Bellow Mechanical Seal

metal bellow mechanical seal


Ronak Seals are one of the highest metal bellow mechanical seal manufacturers, manufacturing best metal bellow mechanical seal and supplier metal bellow seal design. Exciting one of the top most metal bellow seal Provider, manufacturer and exporter of the multiple types of mechanical seals, we supply the metal bellow seal manufactured and designed of very high quality raw materials.

Metal Bellow Mechanical Seals is inherently balanced metal bellow mechanical seal. This seals are independent of direction of rotation. The unique feature of this type of seal is that, there is no dynamic ‘O’ rings and therefore it will never hang-up or damage the shaft and sleeve, it also has an ability to handle corrosive as well as abrasive & viscous media. These seals have self-cleaning & nonblogging construction. With selection of special bellow material it can be used in highly corrosive media.

Oparating Limits

Shaft Dia 20mm to 100mm (0.75" to 4")
Pressure 15 bar
Temperature -20°C to 350°C
Shaft Speed 2900 RPM (Max)

Material of Construction

Seal Faces :

Carbon, Sic, TC

Secondary Seal :

Grafoil, Kalrez

Metal Components :

SS 316, Hast-C, AM-350, C42



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