Spring Out of Contact Mechanical Seal

spring out of contact mechanical seal


Offering a variegated line of Seal , which is made at par with the international standards. We designed these seals using sophisticated technology for gear pumps. These can bear pressure up to 20 bars and temperature up to 200°C. Our clients can avail these seals at most competitive prices.

Oparating Limits

Shaft Dia 20mm to 100mm (0.75" to 4")
Pressure 20 bar
Temperature -20°C to 200°C
Shaft Speed 2900 RPM (max)

Material of Construction

Seal Faces :

Carbon, Sic, Ceramic, TC

Secondary Seal :

EPR, Viton, Silicon, PTFE, Nitrile, Karlez

Metal Components :

SS 316, SS 304, Hast-C, Alloy-20



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